Channel: Paula Acton » Austen in August
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Tuesday Reflections


My Tuesday travels are coming to an end as such as my son starts school next week so my visits to grans will be arranged each week on different days when I can get there.  So what now?

Well As mentioned in a previous post Mskatykins and I have decided to read Ann Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho together, having examined to book the aim will be to read three chapters a week and then to post on them in turn I would love it if any of you who have a copy lurking around at home would love to join in. It will be quite a long readalong going to January as I want to leave you all plenty of time for writing and reading other books lol Later this I will create a masterpost for it so if you would like to be included then please comment on this post and just think for a couple of weeks you get a free blog post as we can each reblog the others posts :D It is a book which is quite daunting to read I know which is possibly why most of us have it lurking unread the reading will start next tuesday and I shall make the first post the following tuesday, I shall even make a pretty badge for anyone who wishes to join in to post on their blog if they wish.  at two chapters a week it will take 16 weeks in total I really hope a couple of you will join in as it will be fun to share our thoughts along the way. It also counts as one of the 1001 books for anyone doing that reading challenge. I think I will probably create a page here on my blog to list all the links to the posts for anyone interested. Infact I have gone a little further please click here and check out the new page for even more details…here

So for today.. first I LOVE SCRIVENER I downloaded the free trial while working on the novel but as I was near the end did not bother transferring it but I decided to use it for the ghost story collection, I am using the novel template and writing each story as a chapter.  The cokboard in editor is wonderful for outlining the stories as you can see here

green marks denote chapters and blue the scenes withing the chapter, being able to add the status such as first draft or todo also let me keep track of where each story is as my muse keeps throwing pars of different stories as I go along.  I will definately be buying this software once my trial runs out.  If you haven’t tried it I suggest you give the 30 day trial a go what is also great is that it is 30 days of use not 30 days concurrent so even if you only use it once a week you get your full thirty days click here for the trial offer

What else have I been up to, well in the worry of this computers imminent demise I have been moving files to my external hard drive and while doing so I have found lots of old pics I hadn’t look at for ages.  this was good and bad while it made me smile the pictures themselves seemed a little dull, the reason…I took them before I got my new camera and also the new software so of course I ended up having a play with a few which is quite addictive.

This was taken in the rose garden at Lyme Park not a bad photo but the colours do look a little dull possibly as it was overcast and kept raining that day.  This is how the same picture looks after just a little touching up…

What a difference hitting a few buttons makes the only problem is now that there are thousands more photos on my hard drive that deserve the same treatment lol.

Now you should all have guessed how much I hate having my photo taken by the fact I always have the camera and take the photos lol but here is one of the pics from Lyme Park my daughter took of me sitting in the rose garden waiting for Mr Darcy who sadly never showed up.

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